Friday, March 6, 2009

first entry!

hello! well, i finally succumbed to the peer pressure of starting a blog.:) but i hope it'll turn into a great way to keep in touch with a lot of you, and especially a good way to fill a lot of you in on what's been going on since we last saw each other and share what God's been up to the past few months and hopefully the months to come!
Bible school in Michigan has been an incredible experience! it was so spur of the moment, as most of you know! but now all the hard work has paid off, and i'll be graduating with a class of about 65 on may 16th. i cannot even wait! it'll be sad to be done with the teaching, which has been awesome, but i think i'm getting antsy to be able to move on to the next thing God has planned.
this past semester i moved off campus with a few of my girlfriends, which has proven to be quite an adventure! we all started off as schoolmates looking for a place to live, and it's turned out to be an awesome experience of getting to know each other and becoming really close friends. it's definitely been a blessing. i'll post pictures soon i promise! but i promise they'll be kind've retarded, just because that's kind've how we are when we start taking pictures.
i still work at the same coffee shop i've been at for a year and a half. God's definitely been providing financially through that. it's been challenging at times, but every job is right? there have been fun times too though of course!
ok, so this is a short, and kind've informative entry, but i'll do more soon...and hopefully attach some pictures! hope you all are doing well!


  1. Oh how fun! I'm excited to see what God has planned for you.

  2. Hmmm. Are you going to just tease us, or actually blog? :)
